julio 05, 2010


Cambio de etapa, cambio de blog... desconozco los motivos más allá de querer partir de cero.

Básicamente el mismo infantilismo, no se haga expectativas.

Gracias blogger... no me gustaste más con Google.



Blogger Admin said...

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Great and an very facinating post to check on this awesome blog! Almost never write any replies only now i just did not resist
To the point and written well, thanks for the info
When I open your RSS feed it gives me a ton of trash, is the issue on my side?
Thanks a lot for writing this, it was quite helpful and showed me a ton
Keep it up, nice post! Exactly the info I needed to know.
obst und gemüsereiniger

domingo, agosto 01, 2021 6:36:00 a. m.  

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